Giving Life to Your Vision

 From Apple to Uber, we are all benefiting from the creativity and farsightedness of entrepreneurs. What is common among business or social entrepreneurs, is not settling for the status quo. Signature Impact Consulting encourages this entrepreneurial spirit and “out-of-the-box” thinking within the nonprofit sector. We also know that for every Uber, there are many social entrepreneurs whose efforts fail. We certainly don’t want that to be true for you.  

Signature Impact Consulting offer a menu of services customized to give life to our clients vision, mission and values. Then we help our clients frame their organizations’ accomplishment stories in such a way that the complex and abstract becomes understandable and compelling. Ultimately, we are focused on increasing our clients’ visibility – essential to attracting funding, expanding volunteer and stakeholder involvement, building positive public relations and successful political advocacy efforts.  

As an extension to our concern for individual and community flourishing, Signature Impact Consulting also has particular expertise serving education reform advocacy efforts. Policies governing schools have deep and lasting impacts on the well being of future generations.


Leveraging your Impact

Strategic Relationships and The Power of Your Stories

Building strategic relationships and telling stories demonstrating your organization's impact are inseparable.  Signature Impact Consulting particularly relishes the opportunity to help our clients identify strategic partners, stakeholders and potential funders -- public and private. We also help our clients describe their accomplishments, frame their message and tell stories that transform the complex and abstract into communication that is understandable and compelling.


Outreach and fund development strategy

  • Collaborative partnership development

  • Grant writing

  • Donor letters

  • Newsletters

Government relations and advocacy - with particular expertise in education reform

  • Critical issue and stakeholder identification

  • Community engagement

  • Background and talking points

  • Advocacy training for legislative outreach

Laying a Solid foundation

Building results into Program Design and measuring Impact

Signature Impact Consulting reviews programs to ensure that there is adequate attention to details. Our objective is to help organizations boost results and avoid pitfalls that may derail their efforts.

Gone are the days when philanthropies and donors are satisfied knowing that a nonprofit organization delivered a set number of services. Instead, they want to hear about transformative impact. Signature Impact Consulting, along with our partnering organizations, can greatly facilitate this process.  What's more, the cutting-edge Expected Value-Return on Investment is  the only analysis of its kind that answers the question, "For every dollar spent on program ABC, how many dollars' worth of benefits did particular stakeholders receive in return? 


Nonprofit program development

  • Defining the need, SWOT analysis

  • Best practices research

  • Logic model program-planning process

Nonprofit program evaluation

  • Program impact descriptions

  • Expected Value - Return on Investment (EV-ROI)