The two most important days in a person’s life: the day you were born and the day you discover why.
— Mark Twain

At Signature Impact Consulting our passion is helping our clients understand and take action aligned with their driving purpose. We are committed to the belief that underneath a person’s job title, core competencies, strengths and skills, there is a foundation of motivated behavior that is not only unique—but profoundly so.

Using Motivation Code (MCODE), a revolutionary assessment tool, Signature Impact Consulting helps individuals identify the deep and meaningful purpose that animates them. Building upon the research and experience of some of the most innovative thinkers in the field over the last 50 years, MCODE goes to the source – YOU. Using stories from your favorite activities, identifying the pattern of core motivations that these stories express.

Once you have a clearer understanding of the animating purpose you bring to your work, volunteer activities and relationships, Signature Impact Consulting offers customized consulting services to help you take the next steps. 


MCODE Certified Consultant, helping clients with the following:

  • Career and calling

  • Job-fit alignment

  • Purposeful retirement — your encore


Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, famously declared, the most effective companies consider “who” before “what,” making sure the “right people are on the bus” and in the “right seats.” Collins is not alone in his conclusions. In fact, the evidence is now indisputable. Regardless of what measure one uses—sales, profit, customer satisfaction scores, or employee retention—the most effective organizations are ones that capitalize on the individual strengths of their employees. 

The purpose of an organization is to make the strengths of people productive and their weaknesses irrelevant.
— Peter Drucker

Signature Impact Consulting uses the MCODE assessment tool because its predictive power allows organizations to leverage each member’s strengths and contributions, providing objective bases for improving job-fit, and building dynamic, effective and collegial teams. 

In baseball, we know a gifted hitter when we see him.  In music we know a gifted singer when we hear her. But the giftings that emanate from individuals’ core motivations are often less apparent. Your employees may hold titles like engineer, manager, or strategist, yet naturally gravitate to informal roles as mentors, troubleshooters or dealmakers.  Haven’t you seen employee whom coworkers consistently seek out as “the voice of reason” when situations get tense?  Or when faced with escalating problems, do you know which leader reacts with strategic caution, and which one will charge forward to “slay the dragons?” Identifying and tapping into these often hidden resources can greatly aid business leaders in taking their organization to the next level. 


MCODE Certified Consultant

  • Team-development consultations and workshops

  • Job-fit assessments

  • Mentoring programs